About our project


"e-CLUE. TeLLeCOLLABORATION. Culture and Language: Unseen Elements" aims to motivate students to become more interested in their own communities’ (school and hometown) cultural and modern treasures and share them with their fellow students in the rest of Europe. Real communicative contexts will be provided so children can develop socio-linguistic skills.
Partners are located in Spain, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Hungary and Italy. The project range of ages is 3 - 13 years old although we will place more emphasis on ICT work for pupils older than eight.
The spirit of the project lies in taking advantage of ICT tools to bring children to work together by videoconferencing.
Because of the children competence at those ages we have agreed on making them explore their partners close reality in YEAR ONE. In YEAR TWO we have agreed on offering children an opportunity to learn out of class about their hometowns and research in a creative way by means of the OUTDOOR LEARNING PROJECT tasks, taking the learning context further to their hometown.
Children will have to share knowledge or what they have found out with partners using materials they have already created on their own with the teachers help. They have to filter information, organize it and produce common posters, calendars, a magazine, an on line board game as outcomes of the video conference sessions.
The project innovative feature is not the topic in itself but the procedure: TELLECOLLABORATION.

Hopefully, by the end of this project, our students will be totally aware of the other children and also aware of the benefits of working together.


The general aim of this partnership is to raise greater awareness among students, educators and decision makers of telecollaboration as a tool to bring together classes of language learners in geographically distant locations to develop their foreign language skills and intercultural competence through collaborative tasks and project work. In other words, we aim to telecollaborate using the internet (video conference and simple digital tools children may use on their own) to bring classrooms around Europe into contact together so they can learn from each other and develop skills to manage in another language being aware of the other.
The CONCRETE OBJECTIVES of this partnership are to:
• Encourage students to work cooperatively and overcome possible difficulties that may arise.
• Motivate students to communicate in English and also make them aware of both verbal and non-verbal communication aspects.
• Enhance students’ global European knowledge.
• Promote intercultural relations and cooperation.
• Establish relations between the participating schools, both on a personal level and through the Internet.
• Help to protect and preserve our traditions and culture.
• Increase the value of other cultures -migrant cultures- in our own schools
• Create the environment needed for the nourishing of creativity of children.
• Acknowledge the similarities and respect the differences between us.

• Foreign language fluency which would also influence communicative skills in general.
• Make intercultural learning meaningful to kids
• Make children aware of a wider world other than theirs.
• Make children aware of strategies to work with children from European countries.

These OBJECTIVES will be ACHIEVED  through:
• Real work, planning and compromise
• Project work (team work) on topics close to their experience and interests.
• Meaningful and significative learning contexts relevant to our kids. Make students face real communicative situations to exchange information.
• Start form children real knowledge and abilities. Carry out simple tasks.
• Use of new technologies which are very motivating for children
• Constant Communication (e-CLUE blog, teleconferences, e-mails, videos, project meetings)
• Interdisciplinary Approach (First and Foreign Languages, History, Social Studies, ICT(computers), Science, Art,   
  Music, etc)
• The planned tasks

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