Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Visting Oviedo in a rainy day, the group was wet but happy :-)

Video Summary

Here we show you a video summary of the visit to Spain.
We hope you like it !

In short you will have a full report.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

On TV and in the newspaper

Just for you to know you are now on our local TV...

...and in the newspaper too.

 El Padre Galo hace sidra para Europa.

We hope our friends in Italy can take advantage of them as they are learning Spanish at school too.

As for the rest, we hope they bring good memories to you all.

See you soon!  ¡Hasta luego!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Ready, steady...GO!

We are about to start our first project meeting

We are both nervous and anxious about it. New friends, new feelings, new tasks, new food ....in short NEW experiences. It is a challenge for all of us.

This is what we intend to do these three days in Luarca. If you are interested have a look at the leaflet...

It seems to be quite a lot, doesn´t  it?