Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Istituto Comprensivo Leonardo Da Vinci/Gianni Rodari
The school promotes trilingual education: native (Italian) and other two EU languages (English plus French or Spanish). In the secondary education process (3 years) all the pupils (age from 11 to 13) study English as 1st foreign language and Spanish or French as a 2nd foreign language. International exchanges are required to enrich the multicultural educative approach.

The first name (L. Da Vinci) is the Scuola Media (Secondary School), the second is the Primary. In fact they are two different schools but "unified" by a new law enacted in 2012. They are two different buildings but a single administrative and legal entity. They are within walking distance and there is only one director.


Petőfi Sándor Általános Művelődési Központ Cserkeszőlő-Szelevény-Tiszainoka-Tiszasas/ Móra Ferenc Általános Iskola Szelevény

Our institutional context provides primary education for pupils aged 6-14 (grades 1-8)  live in Cserkeszőlő and Tiszainoka, for pupils aged 13-14 (grades 7-8) live in Tiszasas, and also pupils  of our village in Szelevény. Here in this primary school in Szelevény we work with 7 graduated pedagogues and 3 technical assistants for 71 children, operating 5 classes (1-6 grades, 6-12 ages).  54 children out of 71 come from disadvantaged social-economical background, 27 of them are increasingly disadvantaged. We educate 9 SEN pupils.


75. Yıl Ziya Gökalp  Primary School situated in the East Marmara Region in the northwest  of Turkey. The school is in the centre of the city of Yalova, a not too large city of 90,000 inhabitants. Yalova is 45 minutes far away from Istanbul by ferry. It is very easy to visit Istanbul and Bursa in any season.

We are  47 teachers and two assistant directors and a director trying to serve a quality education facilities to our  850 pupils. There are 30 classrooms, a library, a dinning room, a computer and technology room, a science laboratory. While evaluating the concept of the school as social economic and social cultural, our school has some more advantages than the others. 


Miejski Zespół Szkół nr 4
Our school is a public school consisting of two schools: primary (children aged from 7 to 12) and secondary (children aged from 13 to 15). There are 567 children in the school, but in the primary school there are 405 children. It is a comprehensive school following the national curriculum. However, a special emphasis is put on PE (especially basketball, soccer and swimming), Art and English.
The school is located in the borough inhabited by people who used to work in the industrial factories


Välioja  Primary School is a little village school of Haapajärvi (about 7500  inhabitants). The school has 42 pupils from classes 0 - 6 (ages 6-12). They are divided into three teachers. The pupils are in general education and the school has no migrants or refugees.


C.P. Padre Galo is a primary school  in Luarca, on the north coast of Spain. There are two other schools in the same town; ours is the smallest one.
There are 115 students in the school. Our number of migrant children is increasing (14: Chinese, Brazilian, Southamerican, Romanian).
We are a state funded school so we teach our students the bases of different subjects. The school  offers three programmes: school library project (to promote reading),  new technologies project and dental hygiene project. 

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Let´s get started!!

Wordle: Hola

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.